Friday, November 9, 2012

high five for friday

With the whole lead up and resolution (so to speak) with the election this week it's kind of hard to think of anything else that happened!

Why!?! Two pollsters came to my house, separately. Both wanted me to answer their questions which were crazy and something like "Besides the economy and foreign policy and everything else concerning, which of these topics most matters to you?" The second one didn't believe me when I said less than an hour before someone for that same campaign did this entire thing with me. She seriously didn't believe me! And it made me kind of mad I'd voted for their person. Sort of. But he lost anyway. Whick means this might be true for them. via someecards

Four. Not to get all political, I think enough has been said and I don't want to force my opinions on anyone, but I'm really happy things turned out the way they did. Four more years! That's all I'm going to say on that. (I am a total bleeding heart crazy conservative social worker after all.) via

Hair. It's now officially been a week since I cut my hair. I think I like it. Well I don't hate it. It being shorter is something I'm still getting used to. But even "eh" different is different, keeping things interesting. (Oh yeah, it was an Aveda salon I went to. So my hair wasn't the best but it smelled great!) via aveda

One week down. So this happened. Again I refuse to actually admit this occurred or that I plan to try to follow through on this (as I don't feel trust worthy enough to comit all the way to this, especially with winter starting here).  personal photo

linked up to Lauren/frommygreydeskblog's High Five For Friday

1 comment:

  1. congrats on 4 more years :) we were pulling for him up here in canada too :)
