Because if I weren't I think I'd have developed a complex by now. Why you ask? Because two of Hubby's three younger siblings are preggo right now! As in his 24 year old sister is married and 5 months pregnant with her second child and her first is eight months old. And his 21 year old brother is getting married in two months and just found out they're pregnant. I cannot tell you how incredibly proud I am of his last sister who's not pregnant, despite all of her friends having had kids (with deadbeat dads of course).
I'm super proud of Hubby and his accomplishments, he's the only one of his siblings to go to college and then of course the only one to get a graduate degree. On the flip side, he's the second to get married. And we'll be the third (probably, out of four in total) to have kids. Hubby says he doesn't care, doesn't see any reason to compare himself to anyone let alone his siblings. I kind of believe him. I've got no one to "compete" with and I'm still stressing about our "position" among his siblings about these big life moments.
I'm not trying to be judgmental, I mean I know I am, but I know my feelings don't apply to everyone and every situation. I just feel kind of strongly about his siblings and the major life decisions they're making and the utter likelihood that they'll end in a fiery plane crash of a disaster.
To get a bit personal (like I haven't already?!) it makes me wonder how so many people make seemingly bad decisions and yet life works out for them. (Why yes being poor and having no support let's plan to have a child and manipulate things to use government aid in all of this, that's a great plan! I will never say, EVER.) Hubby and I always make the rational, adult, right decision and while our life is great it seems to take us so much struggle to get what we have. You know it's the usual "the grass is greener" and "I want to be part of the popular group" mentality. Why can't we just be a part of the popular group!?! Okay, yes I can get over myself, sorry!
I should also say that all of Hubby's siblings are half siblings and he spent significantly more time with his younger sister (the not pregnant and not married sister) than he did with his other sister and brother. Rationally I think said sister and brother see Hubby as more of a cousin than a sibling. That makes sense considering they don't speak, no phone calls or cards or emails or facebook messages. Neither of them attended our wedding (they were invited with almost a year notice). His sister never told us she got married and we found out about her being pregnant (both times) from Hubby's Mom. We found out his brother was dating a girl and got engaged, and then just this week found out they're pregnant all (yep you guessed it) from his Mom and not actually his brother. You know, the opposite of "normal" sibling things.
This was supposed to be a comical announcement of my almost not really freak out. And thanking (for once) I'm an only child. Sorry it turned in to a bit of a ranting vent. Anyone out there experiencing anything similar?
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Thursday, May 30, 2013
so long, farewell ...
aufidersen, goodnight! So it's so long to the place I've called home for the past 9 years. There are an aweful lot of memories in this town. So here's an ode to my past 9 years.
Crazy undergrad times spent with friends at house parties.
I may not be a drinker but I totally went out of my comfort zone (yes it took me a full year in college to get there, whatever) and went to wild and crazy parties and let loose and was silly as only an 18 year old can be.

Personal picture
Crane made from the paper tablecloth at my 21st birthday dinner
I surrounded myself with funny, fun, and amazing friends. Who for example saw the paper tablecloth at the restaurant and decided it clearly was meant for a giant origami piece.
Personal picture
Hubby as a baby (seriously he looks so young!) taking part in a donut eating contest
Again, crazy antics only a stupid college kid would come up with. But oh the fun we had!
Personal picture
Hubby's present to me for our first anniversary, my first Christmas tree.
I literally spent more time at Hubby's apartment than I did my own. (Partly due to loving him, becoming best friends with his roommate, and also because my roommates were hideous human beings I wanted to be far, far away from whenever possible.)

Personal picture
Zoe when she was just a few months old, when all of her toys were bigger than she was
Moving in with my boyfriend, getting a dog, and pretending like I had everything all together when really I knew nothing.
Personal picture
Two graduation and two walks across the stage for a diploma from FSU
I earned my bachelor's degree in three years and went straight into graduate school. In 5 years total I'd earned both a bachelors and masters degrees.
Personal picture
Becoming a full time social worker
Source: FSU CSW
I sort of stumbled onto social work but once I found it I fell in love, and in this town I became a full fledged social worker. (All thanks to this program, partly from my education and also because they told me about the job opening that I later wound up getting.)
In my nine years I moved seven times to six different homes (dorm rooms, apartments, townhouses), three of which I lived with Hubby in. I went from being a scared 18 year old very far away from home, to becoming more comfortable with myself and making new friends, meeting Hubby and falling in love, and now being a more mature and more comfortable with myself adult twentysomething that's a social worker and wife (and dog Mom). For as much as I grew up in Miami as a child I grew up in this town. I learned more than I could have imagined, been through more than I could have guessed, but also grown and loved more than I could have hoped.
So long Tallahassee, it's been fun!
Now on to Miami, again....
Monday, May 27, 2013
Honoring and Remembering
Happy Memorial Day interwebz!
Source: via pinterest via Howtoforless
Thank you to all that have and currently serve, who sacrifice so much to protect us. Also to the families of those that serve, you sacrifice as well and that deserves recognition as well!
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
walking off the edge
I am not a leap first and look second kind of girl. I'm the girl that stands 100 feet from the edge, looks around, looks to see all the paths I could take (even if I think I want to leap off, not like I actually would), considers all my options, and then carefully makes a decision.
So this whole Miami move, it's killing me. As much as it was a "no brainer" decision it's a big leap and it's a larger leap than I've taken in a while, actually maybe ever. My plans for this whole move and re-start are vague at best. That's mostly because we can't plan. We don't know what it'll be like and we won't know until we're living it.
So here I am, about toleap walk over the edge of this cliff, hoping for the best and willing to just jump.
The next few days (and weeks) are going to be ... crazy. I'll share the highlights once it's all said and done. Until then, be safe and happy and seriously send good thoughts my way!
So this whole Miami move, it's killing me. As much as it was a "no brainer" decision it's a big leap and it's a larger leap than I've taken in a while, actually maybe ever. My plans for this whole move and re-start are vague at best. That's mostly because we can't plan. We don't know what it'll be like and we won't know until we're living it.
Source: pinterest via unknown
So here I am, about to
Source: pinterest via unknown
The next few days (and weeks) are going to be ... crazy. I'll share the highlights once it's all said and done. Until then, be safe and happy and seriously send good thoughts my way!
Friday, May 17, 2013
high five for friday
Source: pinterest via unknown
one. My very last full week of work at my office. So bizarre, surreal but also wonderful! (Soon, I'll be with Hubby)
two. I packed a little. Some how spurts of
three. My last dental clinic. I run one every other month and it worked perfectly that there was one last clinic just before I leave. I get to say goodbye in person to so many people I've worked with these past four years!
four. baking, that's my way of saying "thanks for everything. I love you and I'll miss you" I've got all of these recipes I plan on making before going, not exactly with a plan of when and why I should be diving out the baked good love.
five. There's only five days left before Hubby arrives. That's worth celebration all on it's own!
And just because I can't help myself, I saw this today and laughed, because it's true. And it's what I'm about to be in the middle of! Gotta laugh, that's much better than crying!
Source: someecards
linked up to Lauren/frommygreydeskblog's High Five For Friday
Monday, May 13, 2013
mixed bag
These last few weeks, I've swung from low to high and back again. Nothing actually diagnosable, just the mostly normal swing between emotions in an emotional period for our family. This weekend was no exception. So being a bit behind, a bit latter than I should be seems to be a trend for me. Usually it's for something small and easy to laugh off. Ocho de mayo, I'm a comedian. Five minutes late to meet friends, no biggie Vix is always a bit late. Missing a phone interview, not funny at all. Except that's exactly what I did on Friday.
I'd been sick for about 24 hours and was totally not in a normal mind set. I also didn't sleep much and had no concept of time. So when I couldn't stay awake and started to doze off my sick brain thought taking my nap to my bed was a good idea. Real me should have recognized that I was supposed to be calling in for a phone interview. Sick me slept through several phones calls from my family asking how it went.
The really good news is that my phone and email apologizes worked and I was able to reschedule the call for Sunday. Turned out to not be an interview per say, but the highly influential person my call was with has now sent out my resume to a bunch of other influential people in the non-profit/social work area in Miami. Fingers crossed something pans out. Someone knows someone that knows someone that gets my resume to the right person and I get considered for something.
In the past 48 hours I went from (being sick) extreme dread over making such a big mistake, panic over the thought that I'll never find work when I move down to Miami, and then all the way back to hopeful that things will work out.
A funny anecdote:A friend (haha not at all) My current boss told me that me not finding anything yet must be a sign, that what's out there isn't meant to be and my real meant to be job will come.
Maybe she's right. But Mama needs some money coming in, so a little bit of "transition" time where I'm looking for work is to be expected. It's the long term "oh crap with this economy I haven't found a job and may not for a while" that's getting me freaked out. I'm not sure how long we can swing living off of one income and living with my parents. (You know the shame not necessarily just the financials, I do not want to be the unemployed deadbeat living with my parents forever.)
I'd been sick for about 24 hours and was totally not in a normal mind set. I also didn't sleep much and had no concept of time. So when I couldn't stay awake and started to doze off my sick brain thought taking my nap to my bed was a good idea. Real me should have recognized that I was supposed to be calling in for a phone interview. Sick me slept through several phones calls from my family asking how it went.
The really good news is that my phone and email apologizes worked and I was able to reschedule the call for Sunday. Turned out to not be an interview per say, but the highly influential person my call was with has now sent out my resume to a bunch of other influential people in the non-profit/social work area in Miami. Fingers crossed something pans out. Someone knows someone that knows someone that gets my resume to the right person and I get considered for something.
In the past 48 hours I went from (being sick) extreme dread over making such a big mistake, panic over the thought that I'll never find work when I move down to Miami, and then all the way back to hopeful that things will work out.
A funny anecdote:
Maybe she's right. But Mama needs some money coming in, so a little bit of "transition" time where I'm looking for work is to be expected. It's the long term "oh crap with this economy I haven't found a job and may not for a while" that's getting me freaked out. I'm not sure how long we can swing living off of one income and living with my parents. (You know the shame not necessarily just the financials, I do not want to be the unemployed deadbeat living with my parents forever.)
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
happy ocho de mayo!
Yeah so it's a few days after Cinco de Mayo. I totally didn't celebrate, as much as being a fun drunk seems to be for everyone else, I'm just not that girl. It was kind of a chores day. I did laundry. I bathed Zoe. I did 80% of a hair cut on Zoe (see previous posts about hair cuts for Zoe, it's a frustrating and long drawn out process). Then I worked a party a friend threw for her Mom, so it would go well and she wouldn't have to worry. (But I worked my butt off.) Then I came home, exhausted, and tried to relax. But I remembered I had to try to get in Cinco de Mayo shots of Zoe wearing her hat. Dear lord, when we packed things up with Hubby's move I made him let me keep it. I knew exactly where it was, despite the rest of my house being a mess mid packing/move right now.
It didn't work out well, she was already "traumatized" from the bath and hair cut earlier in the day. She flipped out whenever I put the hat on her. And this is the girl that never liked it before but just sat there and dealt with it every other year, knowing it'd be over soon. Anyway, this was the disastrous photshoot. Enjoy (even if it's a few days late)!
It didn't work out well, she was already "traumatized" from the bath and hair cut earlier in the day. She flipped out whenever I put the hat on her. And this is the girl that never liked it before but just sat there and dealt with it every other year, knowing it'd be over soon. Anyway, this was the disastrous photshoot. Enjoy (even if it's a few days late)!
![]() |
Really, we're really going this?!? |
![]() |
Is it over yet? |
![]() |
Happy freaking cinco de mayo. The END, I'm done. Put the phone down! |
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
you can do it carl
Life can feel like a rat race, that you're a mouse stuck on the wheel going forward but not going anywhere. This, this is what I'm going to have to look at any time I ever feel that way again. Adorable and funny and totally motivational all at the same time!
Source: email from a co-worker via facebook
Friday, May 3, 2013
high five for friday
Well another week down. T-minus three weeks (less technically) from my last day at work/when Hubby flies in/when the move officially happens. I'm excited beyond words but also freaking out like no one's business. I mean like, seriously freaking out.
I'm an intelligent woman and I like to think I have many talents or at least things I'm good at. But I know enough to say there's a lot I'm not good at. Probably at the very top of that list is packing. Seriously, I wish I was joking but that's the truth. So the fact that I have to pack up my ENTIRE HOUSE ALL BY MYSELF is something that'd be my worst fear if I let myself think that far.
My friends have been great and have given me boxes and saying sweet things like "I wanted to get these to you right away since I'm sure you're packing and oh you've already started and will need these".
Um yeah, that was last week and I still haven't packed a single box. I've posted a ton of ads on Craiglist and checked my email frantically hoping to have a new email with someone wanting to buy my stuff. I've sat in my living room freaking out about all that needs to be done. A little while later (after not packing and instead distractedly doing something else) I panic about how much time I've spent freaking out and how I now have even less time to get so much done! Those three weeks turn into a bad thing in those moments.
I really wish I could grab my on-staff magician and make him magically poof my household belongings away, neatly packed into boxes.
Well, as I tell my patients, today is a new day and we can move forward. So here's hoping I sell more furniture (that I'm decent at) but also get my packing on!
TGIF people!
I'm an intelligent woman and I like to think I have many talents or at least things I'm good at. But I know enough to say there's a lot I'm not good at. Probably at the very top of that list is packing. Seriously, I wish I was joking but that's the truth. So the fact that I have to pack up my ENTIRE HOUSE ALL BY MYSELF is something that'd be my worst fear if I let myself think that far.
Source: google images via weird nut daily
Except it is. Wah wah....
My friends have been great and have given me boxes and saying sweet things like "I wanted to get these to you right away since I'm sure you're packing and oh you've already started and will need these".
Source: google images via tumblr
How I want to feel, but never actually do..
Um yeah, that was last week and I still haven't packed a single box. I've posted a ton of ads on Craiglist and checked my email frantically hoping to have a new email with someone wanting to buy my stuff. I've sat in my living room freaking out about all that needs to be done. A little while later (after not packing and instead distractedly doing something else) I panic about how much time I've spent freaking out and how I now have even less time to get so much done! Those three weeks turn into a bad thing in those moments.
I really wish I could grab my on-staff magician and make him magically poof my household belongings away, neatly packed into boxes.
Sources: google images via everydayshouldbesaturday and thedatingpages
Well, as I tell my patients, today is a new day and we can move forward. So here's hoping I sell more furniture (that I'm decent at) but also get my packing on!
TGIF people!
linking up to Lauren/frommygreydeskblog's High Five For Friday
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
art schmart
I'm crafty, I am NOT artistic. There's a big difference. I can come up with crafty ideas but when it comes to artistic talent that's required to make said craft/art nice that's where I can't follow through to the end.
Some times I forget that and try my hand at something and when it fails then I remember, 'oh yeah I don't have any artistic abilities.' Last weekend I went to a local art event, every year I love going and build it up so much that I always get let down. The arts and crafts tend to fall into two categories, either "They want how much for this!?!" or "Who'd ever buy this!?!" I seem to forget about that until I go and then remember. I'm always looking for the elusive item that I like and that seems to be not incredibly expensive. I think I've only ever bought three things from this festival over the years: bacon salt, a wooden birdhouse bird feeder, and homemade soy candles. The bacon salt was good but highly processed I don't know what it really was and the bird feeder got eaten (yes the wood too, not just the bird seeds) by the squirrels in just a few weeks. The candles I bought this year and so far so great.
Anyway, typically I'll find something that's really pretty (and handmade) but of course crazy expensive. This year I saw a really pretty painting of a coneflower, one of my favorites, it was so my style but so out of my price range I took a picture on the sly and thought about it. I said "what the hell" and decided I'd eventually try to recreate it myself. I had a blank canvas lying around the house and went to HobbyLobby and bought myself some paint and some brushes. I took my cell phone, zoomed into the photo of the painting and triedmy best Neil Caffery forgery to make art. Here's the comparison, which isn't very good because even my incognito photo came out way better than my multiple attempts of my own painting.
Some times I forget that and try my hand at something and when it fails then I remember, 'oh yeah I don't have any artistic abilities.' Last weekend I went to a local art event, every year I love going and build it up so much that I always get let down. The arts and crafts tend to fall into two categories, either "They want how much for this!?!" or "Who'd ever buy this!?!" I seem to forget about that until I go and then remember. I'm always looking for the elusive item that I like and that seems to be not incredibly expensive. I think I've only ever bought three things from this festival over the years: bacon salt, a wooden birdhouse bird feeder, and homemade soy candles. The bacon salt was good but highly processed I don't know what it really was and the bird feeder got eaten (yes the wood too, not just the bird seeds) by the squirrels in just a few weeks. The candles I bought this year and so far so great.
Anyway, typically I'll find something that's really pretty (and handmade) but of course crazy expensive. This year I saw a really pretty painting of a coneflower, one of my favorites, it was so my style but so out of my price range I took a picture on the sly and thought about it. I said "what the hell" and decided I'd eventually try to recreate it myself. I had a blank canvas lying around the house and went to HobbyLobby and bought myself some paint and some brushes. I took my cell phone, zoomed into the photo of the painting and tried
Friday, April 26, 2013
high five for friday
I'd say this week definitely deserves a high five! Well my actual week wasn't fabulous but this past week is the first week that my big news has been out in the open. It is so nice for everyone in my life to know what's happening and about to happen. I'm officially down to three weeks and a few days until d-day of when the move begins.
I'm incredibly overwhelmed with the amount of stuff to be done before I leave. Hubby is an amazing packer and mover and I'll certainly be needing his help. But I can't have him pack up our entire house in a day when he flies up. So while I've been panicking and freaking out about what I have to do I in fact have not actually packed anything.
Anyway, TGIF people!
I'm incredibly overwhelmed with the amount of stuff to be done before I leave. Hubby is an amazing packer and mover and I'll certainly be needing his help. But I can't have him pack up our entire house in a day when he flies up. So while I've been panicking and freaking out about what I have to do I in fact have not actually packed anything.
Anyway, TGIF people!
source: via Pinterest via wherethesidewalkbegins
Source: pinterest
Source: pinterest via come wag along
linking up to Lauren/frommygreydeskblog's High Five For Friday
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Ta da!
It's time, I can reveal my news, my big big news, and make a big announcement! Duh dun na na! (That's my attempt at "trumpets" haha)
Hubby got a job, basically a dream job, at an Architecture firm in Miami! He got his degrees in Architecture but hadn't been able to work in his field since graduating two years ago. Well he got hand picked for this job, one he didn't even apply to or know about until it was offered to him. A family friend of mine is a principal at this firm and apparently friendly conversations over the holidays with Hubby over the years left an impression.
Family friend/boss man called Hubby on a Sunday, that Monday Hubby put in for Friday off work, then Friday Hubby went down to Miami and met with the three principals of the firm and was formally offered and accepted the position. Two weeks later he moved to Miami and started his career! I've been alone up here, 500 miles away from him, ever since! (That's a MONTH people! Including over my birthday!)
See I had things in the works at my office that prevented me from moving right away with Hubby. So originally I wouldn't be able to move until July, over 3 months living separate from the love of my life. Then last week everything changed. The plans as we'd set them were shot to hell, flipped upside down, and my very first thought was "well there's no reason to stay now, how soon can I move?" The next day I gave notice at my office, sometimes you've just got to go with your gut. By Memorial Day I'll be a resident of Miami Dade county once more.
Like I said, it's HUGE news. But I couldn't say anything, and it was killing me. But since the cat's out of the bag I can finally share all this with you guys!
Oh and I forgot to mention that I was born and raised in Miami, my parents still live there. (I haven't lived there in a decade. I most assuredly went from a big city girl to an almost southern gal. I guess I've got to try to revert back)
Until we can get settled and figure out what our new life will be like living in Miami we'll be living with my parents. Because the most affordable housing is the free kind! Yeah, I'm going from a self sufficient full time social worker and wife and moving back into my childhood room in my parent's house, with my husband. Clearly life will be an adventure.
I hope to be able to share what life becomes when I move from the deep south and (back) into big time big city Miami. And of course for a short time (or not so short?) doing that and living with my parents.
Source: google images via blogger idol
Hubby got a job, basically a dream job, at an Architecture firm in Miami! He got his degrees in Architecture but hadn't been able to work in his field since graduating two years ago. Well he got hand picked for this job, one he didn't even apply to or know about until it was offered to him. A family friend of mine is a principal at this firm and apparently friendly conversations over the holidays with Hubby over the years left an impression.
Source: google images via Darcy Knoblich
Family friend/boss man called Hubby on a Sunday, that Monday Hubby put in for Friday off work, then Friday Hubby went down to Miami and met with the three principals of the firm and was formally offered and accepted the position. Two weeks later he moved to Miami and started his career! I've been alone up here, 500 miles away from him, ever since! (That's a MONTH people! Including over my birthday!)
See I had things in the works at my office that prevented me from moving right away with Hubby. So originally I wouldn't be able to move until July, over 3 months living separate from the love of my life. Then last week everything changed. The plans as we'd set them were shot to hell, flipped upside down, and my very first thought was "well there's no reason to stay now, how soon can I move?" The next day I gave notice at my office, sometimes you've just got to go with your gut. By Memorial Day I'll be a resident of Miami Dade county once more.
Like I said, it's HUGE news. But I couldn't say anything, and it was killing me. But since the cat's out of the bag I can finally share all this with you guys!
Oh and I forgot to mention that I was born and raised in Miami, my parents still live there. (I haven't lived there in a decade. I most assuredly went from a big city girl to an almost southern gal. I guess I've got to try to revert back)
I hope to be able to share what life becomes when I move from the deep south and (back) into big time big city Miami. And of course for a short time (or not so short?) doing that and living with my parents.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
it's my birthday
It's a bit odd this year, because of the thing I can't talk about. But to not let it totally ruin my birthday I took the day off of work and I scheduled myself a massage. I don't have any other plans besides the massage, but I'm going to try hard to make myself have a nice day.
Shout out to other (famous) April 16th babies:
Martin Lawrence
John Cryer
Pope Benedict (the only Pope in modern history to resign...)
Charlie Chaplin
Wilbur Wright
Shout out to other (famous) April 16th babies:
Martin Lawrence
John Cryer
Pope Benedict (the only Pope in modern history to resign...)
Charlie Chaplin
Wilbur Wright
Monday, April 8, 2013
seriously, I'm not dead
There's nothing worse (there totally is, but you know what I mean) then when you find this great blog and then all of a sudden it stops. This awesome blog that you really enjoyed and then there's no new posts, no explanation just ... the end. I highly doubt anyone feels that way about this but all the same I'm not dead and this isn't the end of what's a star.
There's something huge going on for me personally. It's really great and while no I'm not pregnant it's about as huge of a life changing thing as that. The issue is I can't share it. It's a big part of my life and my days right now. But because of it I'm not craft, not shopping, not really trying new recipes and not doing anything else fun or interesting to share (that I can share). So I've been unable to come up with "good" posts (forget H54F posts) without being able to share such huge parts of me and my life.
The good news is that there is an end to this. In a few weeks the truth can be revealed. But for now I've got to keep it a secret. So I'm not sure if I'll post much until the "veil is lifted". That said, once I (am able to) post regularly semi-regularly in my regular fashion there will be huge changes. Huge amazing crazy things to share and explore and it may just take this little blog in a whole new direction.
So like I said I'm seriously not dead and I probably won't be posting for a while. But when I can, I plan on it, and hopefully someone will be around to stop by then and enjoy my musings!
Thursday, February 28, 2013
So it's Thursday, the weekend is thisclose and yet so far away. I'm actually traveling for work today, stuck in car with my boss for about 5 hours and I'm really fearing how it'll go. I'm trying not to die from boredom, or frustration with being with someone (that I'm not actually friends with) in such close quarters for so long, or from her bad driving.
You on the other hand, you can read over some of the random updates in my life.
* I kept one pair of charcoal tights, they were $4 and I thought I might get use out of them since I have none. I've worn them twice, they looked funky and fashionable and kept me warm. But they are also incredibly freaking high cut (as in come up to my midsection) it was hard to make it through the day. I'm not sure how often I'll wear these.
This may or may not have happened prior to this meeting. More likely my Boss will "brain storm" during out 2.5 hour commute to the meeting. And then nothing we discuss will actually happen.
This entire meeting was in fact my idea, just saying, I asked about doing this over a year ago. But apparently no one remembers that happened...
Image source: the amazing
You on the other hand, you can read over some of the random updates in my life.
- I cancelled my Birchbox subscription. While it was fun to get them I didn't always love each box and I was finding myself feeling "eh" on the "best" items of my best boxes. I also just don't have the $110 to spend on another year's subscription.
- I still haven't made it past Week 2 on C25K. I make it a day or two into starting back up and something happens and I can't keep the momentum going. The weather also keeps going from really cold to really warm, that hasn't helped either. It may or may not have been about a month since I tried any days on the program.
- I tried to be a fashionista and bought a bunch of stuff on really amazing sale at Old Navy. It ranged from 'eh' to 'wow that's cute' but in the end I rationalized that I didn't need any of it, and I didn't have the money to spend on
clothesthings I don't need right now. So it ALL* went back to the store and returned. - I discovered that Costco is really amazing for even more products than I knew. They sell organic quinoa (that doesn't have to be rinsed first) for crazy cheap. So of course I found this out after I bought and opened my tiny $10 bag from Publix. They also carry organic (supposed to be grain fed) beef for a much better price than any greenwise options at Publix. In fact after a recent trip all of their meats may be priced better than Publix...
- I insisted that I'm actually doing something for my birthday this year. Hubby isn't a big celebrator, of anything. Not holidays or birthdays. (He's promised he will be for the kids sake, once we have kids) And my birthday hasn't always been that great. (It used to fall just before finals and/or when his final insane projects were due that counted as his final.) So we're doing Disney, because they had a good deal on tickets going on. I'm now panicking as I've begun to work out all the other costs this will involve (beyond the tickets, already purchased). So apparently the mantra for this trip "I'm doing Disney for my birthday, even if we can't afford it!"
* I kept one pair of charcoal tights, they were $4 and I thought I might get use out of them since I have none. I've worn them twice, they looked funky and fashionable and kept me warm. But they are also incredibly freaking high cut (as in come up to my midsection) it was hard to make it through the day. I'm not sure how often I'll wear these.
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
aw shucks
Source: google images via tumblr |
Source: google images via here |
When I got married it took me several months to get everything switched over to legally have my name changed at work. I've had patients for years, several for over three since I've been here. A lot of them noticed that my name changed all of a sudden and at the point it was appropriate to explain it was because I got married. (Yes that's acceptable.) The comments some of my patients have made about it is where those boundaries lines have been crossed, but they were all said with goodness in their hearts. Here's one interaction I can't help but smile about:
Source: google images via here (with minor edits by me to make it fit) |
Me: "Well I'll tell him that." (I doubt my husband thinks I make life easy, haha!)
Patient: "I'd steal you away if I could. Tell that man that I would take you, so he better watch out!"
So yeah, it made me smile and smirk. And my when I told Hubby he laughed as well.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
rain, rain go away (aka my weekend)
Source: Mr. Printables, if you go directly to their site you can get a free printable of this amazing graphic!
Hubby was on call this week and boy did that man work! Friday night I saw him for a few minutes and then he was called off again. I tried to make a homemade version of my new favorite dish at our favorite Chinese joint: Tangerine tofu. Mine was more like bastardized orange tofu and while it was a valiant attempt it tasted nothing like the inspiration and I'm not even sure it tasted that great. But I'd worked hard at my attempt and I was hungry!
Saturday Hubby wound up working a lot. Mid-day I was able to swing by and visit friends that are about to have a baby boy any day now. I appliqued different shapes onto onsies and they were a total hit! (I meant to take pictures but I simply forgot, sorry!) The rest of the afternoon was super rainy so me and Zoe were perfectly fine snuggling together inside, where it was dry! (By the way, Zoe apparently thinks rain is something I conspire against her. As in, "It's raining in the backyard so it isn't raining in the front yard, oh wait it is, omg Mom how could you do that!?!" It's not been a pleasant experience, for either of us.) That night we did an impromptu game night with the neighbors, it was a blast but when you combine alcohol and competitiveness it can get a bit ugly.
Sunday I slept in since game night ended at like 3 am. Poor Hubby got called off at 5 am, I was so tired I didn't even wake up when his horrific on call phone rang. In fact I didn't wake up until several hours after Hubby had returned after working for several hours! Much later, when shocker Hubby got called away some more, I visited practically ever single grocery store in my city. Okay I didn't actually, not even close, but it felt like it. I went to EarthFare, Costco, and Publix. Oh and it poured, there was hail! (Thankfully I was inside during that part.)
And then yesterday I got hit with a headache (migrane?) that made my head feel like it was going to split into two. I think I may have also been running a slight fever. All the same it was one of those days there was no question or debating, I was most certainly staying home, in bed for as long as I could, and was not working. I'm feeling a lot better now, thanks!
Friday, February 22, 2013
high five for friday
source: via google images from here
one. Said first set of flowers from last week are still very much alive! I meant to pick them up this weekend from my office but I never got a chance to. And thank goodness I didn't because they've sat on my desk this entire week as well. Looking and smelling pretty and continuing to make me happy!
two. I made two new recipes this week. Despite being lazy and not feeling like it, I did. I was tired afterwards but I still did it! (And one recipe did require me taking an egg from a neighbor, there's no way I was making an entire grocery store trip for ONE egg!)
three. I ordered this. I'm still trying to loose weight/be healthy and I'm hoping this will help. (It'll also help a lot with baking) I'm not sure I wonder if I'll be as over the moon with this when I actually receive it as I feel now waiting for it to arrive.
four. Work is still crazy but I'm going to take it in strides. My boss wants me to attend a supervisor training course. I'm not a supervisor but that's got to be a step in the right direction, you know that she feels I could be and this would help me. Now my Executive Director will probably nix it because of the cost but whatev.
five. This wasn't a terrible week. At least not compared to the past few. That's certainly something to celebrate!
linked up to Lauren/frommygreydeskblog's High Five For Friday
Thursday, February 21, 2013
ain't nobody got time for that!
I have a confession, and since it's Thursday it means it's okay!
I went an entire week without washing my hair. I expect your reactions are somewhere along these lines...
I tried to make my hair all sexy for Valentine's with curls, that was a disaster since I didn't put enough effort into my attempts to actually get a good outcome. HOWEVER it did something wonderful, those curls/waves/texture/volume lasted and lasted and lasted. Even after I brushed my hair somehow there was still some left over. (And by some I mean some since naturally I have straight as a pin hair so any curl/wave is a big deal for me.) I'd sleep on it and the next day it looked just a curly/wavy/whatever!
There are three things that have helped me achieve the lazy accomplishment of not washing my hair for so long and it still looking okay/decent: cheapo CVS Tresemme Dry Shampoo (not the best but cheap enough I tried it), a sample of Oscar Blandi Texture & Volume Spray (from my now cancelled Birchbox, that I didn't like at first but now find so many uses for; little thing don't run out yet mamma is too poor to buy a full size!) and some good old teasing (using this). I'm not saying I'm proud of this, but I've made it work. (Sort of like Tim Gunn is famous for saying). I'm being honest here, clearly since I made an entire post about such a thing, my hair looked decent enough so I didn't wash it. It's been so cold I wanted to do anything but wash my hair and walk around with a wet head that's what's happened. That combined with laziness and so was the story behind this post born.
Last night however I promptly forced myself to wash my hair when I got home from work so I'd give myself enough time to blow dry completely and avoid any wet head freeze to death and/or catch a cold issues. Everyone (minus the Hubby who left this morning before I woke up) has commented to me today that my hair looks good. I will not be proclaiming to them "That's because I actually washed it!"
I went an entire week without washing my hair. I expect your reactions are somewhere along these lines...
Source: via google images from here
Source: via google images from here
Okay this is not how I expect anyone to react to this, but it was cute so I had to include it.
Source: via google images from this webpage
And clearly I (nobody) ain't (didn't) have time for that (washing my hair)
I tried to make my hair all sexy for Valentine's with curls, that was a disaster since I didn't put enough effort into my attempts to actually get a good outcome. HOWEVER it did something wonderful, those curls/waves/texture/volume lasted and lasted and lasted. Even after I brushed my hair somehow there was still some left over. (And by some I mean some since naturally I have straight as a pin hair so any curl/wave is a big deal for me.) I'd sleep on it and the next day it looked just a curly/wavy/whatever!
There are three things that have helped me achieve the lazy accomplishment of not washing my hair for so long and it still looking okay/decent: cheapo CVS Tresemme Dry Shampoo (not the best but cheap enough I tried it), a sample of Oscar Blandi Texture & Volume Spray (from my now cancelled Birchbox, that I didn't like at first but now find so many uses for; little thing don't run out yet mamma is too poor to buy a full size!) and some good old teasing (using this). I'm not saying I'm proud of this, but I've made it work. (Sort of like Tim Gunn is famous for saying). I'm being honest here, clearly since I made an entire post about such a thing, my hair looked decent enough so I didn't wash it. It's been so cold I wanted to do anything but wash my hair and walk around with a wet head that's what's happened. That combined with laziness and so was the story behind this post born.
Last night however I promptly forced myself to wash my hair when I got home from work so I'd give myself enough time to blow dry completely and avoid any wet head freeze to death and/or catch a cold issues. Everyone (minus the Hubby who left this morning before I woke up) has commented to me today that my hair looks good. I will not be proclaiming to them "That's because I actually washed it!"
Linking up (for the second time) to It's Okay Thursdays at A Complete Waste of Makeup
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
adventures in shopping, for Hubby
Hubby has changed his position at his company. It's not a promotion, it's just switching from one area/job to another. It is a good thing insofar as his boss felt Hubby was qualified and trustworthy enough for this new position. Hubby has only been at his company for a year and he was the first pick for this new position.
Anyway, this new position is all paperwork and a desk job. Which is the exact opposite of his old job. I was really worried since Hubby needs to be constantly working or doing something, he's not really a desk job paper pusher type. Hubby was smart though and while he knew that might be an issue for him he took the new position because it caries regular hours (his old job didn't). We're both enjoying his new regular set hours! Two weeks in and so far so good.
Last weekend he decided he wanted some new clothes for his new position. (All his other work clothes are stained and not so clean looking even when clean simply because of the nature of his old job and Hubby's laziness to try to work out any grease/misc. stain he'd had before.) Being the frugal people we are, we looked up the sales! Hubby really got into it and proclaimed that whole weekend how we "beat the man" and how much we saved for what he got!
First stop: DSW
He liked this pair. He's got a thing for dress shoes with laces and he thinks those are the coolest looking ones. Anyway, I agreed they were good because they can be dressed up or down and should be comfy. They're listed with an "original" designer price of $130, DSW price of $80 and had a 30% off sticker on them! They worked out to be $60 something. For a pair he'll wear everyday and are leather I say that's a good value!
Next stop: Old Navy
Hubby decided their pants were too expensive at $30 so we left about 90 seconds after walking in.
Up next: Target
This is such a wonderful store. Hubby announced they didn't have any clothing worth trying on. But because it's target we still left purchasing some odds and ends.
Last stop: Good Will
Another thing Hubby is all over recently, button down oxford type shirts. He has a thing for dress shirts and ties in general (he loves them and always wants to buy more but he doesn't actually have a need to wear a real honest to goodness dress shirt, let alone a tie with it, more than once or twice a year). But for work we weren't going to Men's Wearhouse or Express, no we went to Goodwill*. Hubby went crazy and looked at all of their shirts and pants, he had good luck on shirts. He went all label snob and started looking at shirts soley on their brand name, which is not something he'd normally do. At $10 each they were still a great deal. He walked away with 2 Calvin Klein and 1Van Heusen. The best part, the guy at the register seemed to care so little about having to work that day he rang everything up under a discount, shirts were not on discount that day! But we walked out with those 4 shirts for under $15!
We then also went to Kirlands (didn't buy the $40 clock I want, it may be on 50% but I can't spend that much on decoration!) and Costco (our maybe 5th trip in 3 weeks, I am loving that place, my checking account/budget not so much). We shopped all day and of course I loved that but amazingly so did Hubby!
IMPORTANT (not really)
The follow up to this (the real reason I even made this post was to share this) is that Monday when Hubby put on one of his new shirts and shoes, proud asa kid picking out his clothes for the first day of school a peacock all of his co-workers ragged on him that he must have a job interview that day with that outfit on! I laughed so hard all day long, just thinking about them ragging on him. Seriously all day long every time I thought about it I laughed!
*Just because I can't help myself, if you haven't heard (or seen the video for) this song just go ahead and click it.
The first time Hubby heard this song he thought it was a local Goodwill's attempt at a jingle/song commerical. And then the DJ announced it and he realized it was a a for real song!
Anyway, this new position is all paperwork and a desk job. Which is the exact opposite of his old job. I was really worried since Hubby needs to be constantly working or doing something, he's not really a desk job paper pusher type. Hubby was smart though and while he knew that might be an issue for him he took the new position because it caries regular hours (his old job didn't). We're both enjoying his new regular set hours! Two weeks in and so far so good.
Last weekend he decided he wanted some new clothes for his new position. (All his other work clothes are stained and not so clean looking even when clean simply because of the nature of his old job and Hubby's laziness to try to work out any grease/misc. stain he'd had before.) Being the frugal people we are, we looked up the sales! Hubby really got into it and proclaimed that whole weekend how we "beat the man" and how much we saved for what he got!
First stop: DSW
Source: DSW, Born Men's Slater Oxford |
Next stop: Old Navy
Hubby decided their pants were too expensive at $30 so we left about 90 seconds after walking in.
Up next: Target
This is such a wonderful store. Hubby announced they didn't have any clothing worth trying on. But because it's target we still left purchasing some odds and ends.
Last stop: Good Will
Another thing Hubby is all over recently, button down oxford type shirts. He has a thing for dress shirts and ties in general (he loves them and always wants to buy more but he doesn't actually have a need to wear a real honest to goodness dress shirt, let alone a tie with it, more than once or twice a year). But for work we weren't going to Men's Wearhouse or Express, no we went to Goodwill*. Hubby went crazy and looked at all of their shirts and pants, he had good luck on shirts. He went all label snob and started looking at shirts soley on their brand name, which is not something he'd normally do. At $10 each they were still a great deal. He walked away with 2 Calvin Klein and 1Van Heusen. The best part, the guy at the register seemed to care so little about having to work that day he rang everything up under a discount, shirts were not on discount that day! But we walked out with those 4 shirts for under $15!
We then also went to Kirlands (didn't buy the $40 clock I want, it may be on 50% but I can't spend that much on decoration!) and Costco (our maybe 5th trip in 3 weeks, I am loving that place, my checking account/budget not so much). We shopped all day and of course I loved that but amazingly so did Hubby!
IMPORTANT (not really)
The follow up to this (the real reason I even made this post was to share this) is that Monday when Hubby put on one of his new shirts and shoes, proud as
*Just because I can't help myself, if you haven't heard (or seen the video for) this song just go ahead and click it.
Friday, February 15, 2013
high five for friday
So, I'm alive. Surprised? Nothing fun to share so I've been quiet, sorry!
1. Flowers. My parents are on a cruise, which is good for them but a bummer for me since I talk to my Mom (via phone and/or lots of emails) every day. But being the amazing person she is my Mom had flowers delivered to me Monday! The card read: Happy Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Fried. I love you! -Mom Seriously, Best Mom Ever!
2. More flowers. That night I had to work a late work meeting. Hubby was doing Boy's Night with friends. I came home after my meeting and Hubby came in with flowers for me! Boys Night was actually all the boys together making flower arrangements for their girls! (Somewhere held this event, they didn't do this all on their own.) They only had lilies (which I'm allergic to) but boy did Hubby do a good job arranging them. He kept reminding me that the girl leading the "class" complimented him on what a good job he did.
3. Flowers everywhere! So I have had fresh flowers all week, one set at my desk and one set in my kitchen at home! (Kitchen flowers are far enough away from whatever I'm doing in the house to look pretty but not kill me and my sinuses.) I never get flowers so two sets in one week is insane. I am so happy over this!
4. Crazy weather. The beginning of this week it was warm, highs in the seventies and higher I was wearing my summer work outfits and sandals. Today it's cold, as in frost on my house, on my yard, and on my car. Hubby had to get up early to defrost our vehicles. That's some crazy weather!
5. Valentine's Day. Hubby was supposed to be on call at work so we had nothing planned a co-worker offered to switch on call weeks so Hubby was free. Last minute and budget friendly we did an amazing lunch date at this fabulous place in town and then did romantic movies and snuggling all day. Great V Day, seriously!
1. Flowers. My parents are on a cruise, which is good for them but a bummer for me since I talk to my Mom (via phone and/or lots of emails) every day. But being the amazing person she is my Mom had flowers delivered to me Monday! The card read: Happy Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Fried. I love you! -Mom Seriously, Best Mom Ever!
2. More flowers. That night I had to work a late work meeting. Hubby was doing Boy's Night with friends. I came home after my meeting and Hubby came in with flowers for me! Boys Night was actually all the boys together making flower arrangements for their girls! (Somewhere held this event, they didn't do this all on their own.) They only had lilies (which I'm allergic to) but boy did Hubby do a good job arranging them. He kept reminding me that the girl leading the "class" complimented him on what a good job he did.
3. Flowers everywhere! So I have had fresh flowers all week, one set at my desk and one set in my kitchen at home! (Kitchen flowers are far enough away from whatever I'm doing in the house to look pretty but not kill me and my sinuses.) I never get flowers so two sets in one week is insane. I am so happy over this!
4. Crazy weather. The beginning of this week it was warm, highs in the seventies and higher I was wearing my summer work outfits and sandals. Today it's cold, as in frost on my house, on my yard, and on my car. Hubby had to get up early to defrost our vehicles. That's some crazy weather!
5. Valentine's Day. Hubby was supposed to be on call at work so we had nothing planned a co-worker offered to switch on call weeks so Hubby was free. Last minute and budget friendly we did an amazing lunch date at this fabulous place in town and then did romantic movies and snuggling all day. Great V Day, seriously!
Linked up with Lauren for H54F!
Friday, February 1, 2013
high five for friday
A recent dogshaming gem submitted this week.
1. Hubby fixed the dryer. It only took 2 weeks and having to order a part online and the dryer sitting in pieces the whole time. But the part worked and it's all fixed! It's so nice to be able to wash and dry my clothes again!
2. This. My ex-boss sent this to me. I can't say it makes a rough day go away but it helps! I needed this several times this week.
3. DogShaming. I am in love with this website. Hubby has banned me from even mentioning this site. Seriously, read it, it's the best!
4. Laser Hair Removal. As of this week I'm two sessions into getting my underarms/armpits lasered to a hair free beautiful state. (Sadly my timing of it means I won't be done until August, not exactly "before" summer starts, oh well.) I love the nurse tech that does my sessions, it's like a chat session with a friend and I just so happen to get beauty treatments as well.
5. It's Friday! I made it to Friday, that's a huge deal!
At first I couldn't come up with five things to celebrate from this past week. But then I got to thinking and came up with enough. Some may be a stretch but I'm claiming them. Oh and by the way, Happy February!
Linked up to Lauren at From My Grey Desk's High Five For Friday!
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
There's a lot going on. No I'm not announcing anything big or life changing. I'm just pointing out that in my life, my loved ones lives, my community, the world, there's a lot going on. There always is, some days it's just more obvious and pressing than others.
I've said it before, I started this blog because all the lovely ladies of the blogs I read each day seem to love blogging. I thought, well I can try that too. I didn't have a concept in mind, I just winged it. And while I've rambled and tried to find/discover what would be great for me to blog about I still haven't exactly found my direction.
That may have to do with me personally feeling a little bit of a lack of direction in the read world. (Yes the internet is real, but totally different than the real actual world.)
Work for me has been ... difficult on my best days. I was lucky enough to find a job that I loved right after graduating with my masters. Unfortunately for the past two years the only constant at my job has been change, a LOT of staff changes, and a lot of changes for my working environment and actual job day to day duties. When things were bad and I didn't think it could get worse, it did. So that's made it difficult for me, to make it through each work day, and in my non working hours to be happy and perky and up to other things let alone share them with you all. I'm normally a really positive, peppy, and optimistic person. There are people that have never seen me be anything less than 210% positive and happy. But like I said, it's been harder and harder to be my usual self with that going on.
I feel weighed down, emotionally and physically. (Having packed on some pounds the past year hasn't helped that either I'm sure.) To to try to recover from all this negative I've just written a novel about for the none existent people that read this blog, the point of all of this is to say that's where I am but I'm trying to get past that. I'm trying, but bear with me. There may be weeks like last week where I didn't have five good things to high five for the week. When making it through the work week was the best thing that happened. So as I find my direction, here on the interwebs and somewhat in my life, bear with me.
And unlike boys I'm always open for asking for directions when needed, so if you have any to give I'm open to them!
I've said it before, I started this blog because all the lovely ladies of the blogs I read each day seem to love blogging. I thought, well I can try that too. I didn't have a concept in mind, I just winged it. And while I've rambled and tried to find/discover what would be great for me to blog about I still haven't exactly found my direction.
That may have to do with me personally feeling a little bit of a lack of direction in the read world. (Yes the internet is real, but totally different than the real actual world.)
Work for me has been ... difficult on my best days. I was lucky enough to find a job that I loved right after graduating with my masters. Unfortunately for the past two years the only constant at my job has been change, a LOT of staff changes, and a lot of changes for my working environment and actual job day to day duties. When things were bad and I didn't think it could get worse, it did. So that's made it difficult for me, to make it through each work day, and in my non working hours to be happy and perky and up to other things let alone share them with you all. I'm normally a really positive, peppy, and optimistic person. There are people that have never seen me be anything less than 210% positive and happy. But like I said, it's been harder and harder to be my usual self with that going on.
I feel weighed down, emotionally and physically. (Having packed on some pounds the past year hasn't helped that either I'm sure.) To to try to recover from all this negative I've just written a novel about for the none existent people that read this blog, the point of all of this is to say that's where I am but I'm trying to get past that. I'm trying, but bear with me. There may be weeks like last week where I didn't have five good things to high five for the week. When making it through the work week was the best thing that happened. So as I find my direction, here on the interwebs and somewhat in my life, bear with me.
And unlike boys I'm always open for asking for directions when needed, so if you have any to give I'm open to them!
Friday, January 18, 2013
high five for friday
Hey there peeps! (Sorry that was cheesy but I couldn't help myself. Sometimes you just get an urge to be cheesy and you have to go for it.) Why am I so happy that I'm being cheesy? I'm on vacation!!!
This week started off bad and it seemed like it was going to continue but I was able to "take back" this week and make it better!
1. Friends. One of our new neighbors who we're now good friends had a birthday. We had fun celebrating with her, even though it was just dinner out at a Mexican restaurant and a bonfire to relax afterwards. Happy birthday L!
2. No Work Today. I took a vacation day. I'll be in the lovely town of Crystal River. I'll be a tourist instead of a resident for once!
3. Disney World. Hubby has a tournament and instead of being bored watching I threw caution to the wind and I'm taking myself to Disney for the day!
4. Bomas. It's a restaurant at Disney's Animal Kingdom Lodge. It just so happens to be Hubby's favorite and I just so happen to be awesome enough that I made reservations for us to go while we're in Orlando for the day.
5. 96 hours. In the next 96 hours I'll be on a mini vacation. I have no work Monday! I've got 4 days off of work and a mini vacation planned. I'm floating on happiness right now!
Sources: 2. google images via (1)google images via foxnews & (2) SASOCF /4. google images via aklresort
This week started off bad and it seemed like it was going to continue but I was able to "take back" this week and make it better!
1. Friends. One of our new neighbors who we're now good friends had a birthday. We had fun celebrating with her, even though it was just dinner out at a Mexican restaurant and a bonfire to relax afterwards. Happy birthday L!
2. No Work Today. I took a vacation day. I'll be in the lovely town of Crystal River. I'll be a tourist instead of a resident for once!
3. Disney World. Hubby has a tournament and instead of being bored watching I threw caution to the wind and I'm taking myself to Disney for the day!
4. Bomas. It's a restaurant at Disney's Animal Kingdom Lodge. It just so happens to be Hubby's favorite and I just so happen to be awesome enough that I made reservations for us to go while we're in Orlando for the day.
5. 96 hours. In the next 96 hours I'll be on a mini vacation. I have no work Monday! I've got 4 days off of work and a mini vacation planned. I'm floating on happiness right now!
Sources: 2. google images via (1)google images via foxnews & (2) SASOCF /4. google images via aklresort
I'd link up to Lauren/frommygreydeskblog's High Five For Friday but I'm away from the interwebs, let's pretend I did...
Monday, January 14, 2013
weekend update
I'm having a bad day today, and it's not even noon! You know those days, the things that happen aren't anything big but you feel like Eeyore walking around with a rain cloud around your head. Yeah that's me today. Hopefully this funk passes!
Source: google images via nyc152
Anyway, on to what I did this weekend!
Saturday. I
Source: google images via runningonfifty
Sunday. I cleaned a bit around the house. I tried to do more but unexpectedly our dryer stopped working. And Hubby yelled and screamed and cursed and kicked it trying to get it to work. He also kept coming into the house looking at YouTube videos trying to figure things out. We still have no clue at all what's wrong with it or how to fix it, we gave up on it for the time being. We instead went off to Hubby's uncle's house to spend the evening with them. They just moved to town from Colorado (and I'd never met him before, it is Hubby's step-Dad's half brother after all) and in the few weeks they've been around we've really enjoyed hanging out with them! It's great to have family around town!
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