Friday, May 17, 2013

high five for friday

Source: pinterest via unknown

one. My very last full week of work at my office. So bizarre, surreal but also wonderful! (Soon, I'll be with Hubby)
two. I packed a little. Some how spurts of inspiration motivation hit and I packed a little. We're talking just a handful of boxes but something, anything still counts!
three. My last dental clinic. I run one every other month and it worked perfectly that there was one last clinic just before I leave. I get to say goodbye in person to so many people I've worked with these past four years!
four. baking, that's my way of saying "thanks for everything. I love you and I'll miss you" I've got all of these recipes I plan on making before going, not exactly with a plan of when and why I should be diving out the baked good love. 
five. There's only five days left before Hubby arrives. That's worth celebration all on it's own!

And just because I can't help myself, I saw this today and laughed, because it's true. And it's what I'm about to be in the middle of! Gotta laugh, that's much better than crying!

Source: someecards
linked up to Lauren/frommygreydeskblog's High Five For Friday
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