Tuesday, January 29, 2013


There's a lot going on. No I'm not announcing anything big or life changing. I'm just pointing out that in my life, my loved ones lives, my community, the world, there's a lot going on. There always is, some days it's just more obvious and pressing than others. 

I've said it before, I started this blog because all the lovely ladies of the blogs I read each day seem to love blogging. I thought, well I can try that too. I didn't have a concept in mind, I just winged it. And while I've rambled and tried to find/discover what would be great for me to blog about I still haven't exactly found my direction. 

That may have to do with me personally feeling a little bit of a lack of direction in the read world. (Yes the internet is real, but totally different than the real actual world.)

Work for me has been ... difficult on my best days. I was lucky enough to find a job that I loved right after graduating with my masters. Unfortunately for the past two years the only constant at my job has been change, a LOT of staff changes, and a lot of changes for my working environment and actual job day to day duties. When things were bad and I didn't think it could get worse, it did. So that's made it difficult for me, to make it through each work day, and in my non working hours to be happy and perky and up to other things let alone share them with you all. I'm normally a really positive, peppy, and optimistic person. There are people that have never seen me be anything less than 210% positive and happy. But like I said, it's been harder and harder to be my usual self with that going on. 

I feel weighed down, emotionally and physically. (Having packed on some pounds the past year hasn't helped that either I'm sure.) To to try to recover from all this negative I've just written a novel about for the none existent people that read this blog, the point of all of this is to say that's where I am but I'm trying to get past that. I'm trying, but bear with me. There may be weeks like last week where I didn't have five good things to high five for the week. When making it through the work week was the best thing that happened. So as I find my direction, here on the interwebs and somewhat in my life, bear with me.

And unlike boys I'm always open for asking for directions when needed, so if you have any to give I'm open to them!

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