I'm having a bad day today, and it's not even noon! You know those days, the things that happen aren't anything big but you feel like Eeyore walking around with a rain cloud around your head. Yeah that's me today. Hopefully this funk passes!
Source: google images via nyc152
Anyway, on to what I did this weekend!
Saturday. I
Source: google images via runningonfifty
Sunday. I cleaned a bit around the house. I tried to do more but unexpectedly our dryer stopped working. And Hubby yelled and screamed and cursed and kicked it trying to get it to work. He also kept coming into the house looking at YouTube videos trying to figure things out. We still have no clue at all what's wrong with it or how to fix it, we gave up on it for the time being. We instead went off to Hubby's uncle's house to spend the evening with them. They just moved to town from Colorado (and I'd never met him before, it is Hubby's step-Dad's half brother after all) and in the few weeks they've been around we've really enjoyed hanging out with them! It's great to have family around town!
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