Friday, January 11, 2013

high five for friday

1. Return to work. Who would ever think you'd be excited to go back to work!?! That's how stir crazy I'd gotten after being home all the week before sick.
2. Meal Planning. So to try to be healthy and save money (those may be two separate things but I sort of clumped it together) I'm trying to stick to meal planning. This week every single meal Hubby and I have had has come from the made ahead plan of "what's for dinner" I came up with. Or leftovers from that. But nothing else was paid for, despite the temptation of doing so.
3.The Big C. So my Showtime free trial is ending this month and I'm rushing to watch everything I can on it until then. So I'm up to the beginning of Season 2 of this show. It's funny it's sad and it's realistic. I'm really enjoy it.
4 & 5. It's Friday. It's t minus 6 hours until I'm free from my office for the weekend! That's celebration enough!


  1. I'm joining you on happiness to end the workweek! What have you used to meal plan? Old-fashioned pen and paper seems to work best for me.

  2. Found you through H54F!

    I definitely think meal planning goes hand in hand with being more healthy. For us it keeps us from going out to eat when we don't feel like cooking!

  3. I have to be at work bright and early tomorrow morning...but I guess I can't complain much...I was off today and yesterday!

    I just wanted to let you know that I nominated you for a Versatile Blogger Award over at my blog. You can come pick up your pretty award here!

    Have a great weekend!

  4. I was really excited to be back to work this week too!
