aufidersen, goodnight! So it's so long to the place I've called home for the past 9 years. There are an aweful lot of memories in this town. So here's an ode to my past 9 years.
Crazy undergrad times spent with friends at house parties.
I may not be a drinker but I totally went out of my comfort zone (yes it took me a full year in college to get there, whatever) and went to wild and crazy parties and let loose and was silly as only an 18 year old can be.

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Crane made from the paper tablecloth at my 21st birthday dinner
I surrounded myself with funny, fun, and amazing friends. Who for example saw the paper tablecloth at the restaurant and decided it clearly was meant for a giant origami piece.
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Hubby as a baby (seriously he looks so young!) taking part in a donut eating contest
Again, crazy antics only a stupid college kid would come up with. But oh the fun we had!
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Hubby's present to me for our first anniversary, my first Christmas tree.
I literally spent more time at Hubby's apartment than I did my own. (Partly due to loving him, becoming best friends with his roommate, and also because my roommates were hideous human beings I wanted to be far, far away from whenever possible.)

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Zoe when she was just a few months old, when all of her toys were bigger than she was
Moving in with my boyfriend, getting a dog, and pretending like I had everything all together when really I knew nothing.
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Two graduation and two walks across the stage for a diploma from FSU
I earned my bachelor's degree in three years and went straight into graduate school. In 5 years total I'd earned both a bachelors and masters degrees.
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Becoming a full time social worker
Source: FSU CSW
I sort of stumbled onto social work but once I found it I fell in love, and in this town I became a full fledged social worker. (All thanks to this program, partly from my education and also because they told me about the job opening that I later wound up getting.)
In my nine years I moved seven times to six different homes (dorm rooms, apartments, townhouses), three of which I lived with Hubby in. I went from being a scared 18 year old very far away from home, to becoming more comfortable with myself and making new friends, meeting Hubby and falling in love, and now being a more mature and more comfortable with myself adult twentysomething that's a social worker and wife (and dog Mom). For as much as I grew up in Miami as a child I grew up in this town. I learned more than I could have imagined, been through more than I could have guessed, but also grown and loved more than I could have hoped.
So long Tallahassee, it's been fun!
Now on to Miami, again....