Hair cuts for Zoe are a several day ordeal, because I do her hair cuts myself. It's a battle of wills and there's only so much either of us can take of the other. So it takes a few days. I split it up over several "sessions" and they last for as long as I can still accomplishing something with her, then a break, and then whenever another window of opportunity comes around another "session". Needless to say I put haircuts off for a while simply because no one wants to deal with something like that if they can avoid it. But I mustered my patience and decided it was time. I'm never really able to finish her cut 100%, it's more like 80-90% and no final finishing. But I'm still going to call this a success!
My torture grooming tools
{Insert imaginary pic of Zoe with cute hair}
Finished pretty princess!
Note: I actually wrote this post months ago,
yeah as in the last time I went to cut Zoe's hair. I never got a
completed picture of her from that cut.
Anyway, this weekend I decided while I had several days off I should try to give the princess a hair cut. So she
got a bath and some hair was cut, but I wouldn't go so far as to say she got a
hair cut. Also, this time I cut her hair in the middle of the living room but the torture tools remained the same even if the location changed. Doing it out in the open wasn't a smart plan because given my slightest hesitation Zoe darted out of my reach and ran for "safety". It took a lot of treats to even get what little hair was cut.
I'd say one day I'd get good pictures of all of this, but the whole thing is such chaos I know that will never happen. What battles do you encounter in your lives? Anything as menacing as me battle Zoe for a hair cut?
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