Wednesday, September 12, 2012

I heart Costco (samples)

So I may have mentioned this in the last High Five For Friday but because I'm a nerd and clearly loved my Costco trip too much I wanted to share the whole story. 

Last Friday hubby and I took the day off from our respective offices and took an early weekend. We were kind of lazy but at the same time went around town running errands and things at our own pace. Hubby decided he wanted gas in his truck so we went to Costco. I said we had to go inside, I came up with some excuse. Half of our city seemed to be there, it was a FRIDAY, what was up with that?! And they had full all out weekend level samples going on. I wasn't complaining but it seemed odd. I mean I know it was the day before the start of a long weekend but most people don't take an extra day off. Most of the world is working while they had these samples going, or so I thought. Oh boy was I wrong, well clearly since so many people were there. 

Anyway, the most amazing part: the insanely amazing and plentiful samples! They had samples of their pumpkin pie, apple pie (best apple pie I've ever had), key lime pie, oreos, and chocolate pudding! Those are only the desserts I sampled, I had no mind for savory things (seeing as we'd just come from eating lunch before heading to Costco). So amazing! This will live in infamy as the best Costco trip ever, or at least the best sample selection. 

Yes I made this graphic myself, to accurately show my love.
Going around Costco and enjoying the experience, that includes samples, is just so much fun for me. Hubby feels otherwise and just wants to go in, laser on to what we need, and then go. So it was a nice break to be able to enjoy the amazingness that is Costco for once.

* Again, I got nothing to write this. In fact Costco probably has no clue I exist beyond my yearly membership and random purchases with them. So clearly I wrote this all on my own, because I love Costco, and for no other reason. Just to be clear. :)

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