Thursday, August 23, 2012

being sick is not fun

I've been sick with a cold all week. It started last Friday night and just kept on going. It got so bad I had to stay home from work most of the week! I'm finally back at my first full day at work but since work isn't that exciting I thought I'd share the highlights from the last few days:

Zoe hanging out on the couch (on her blankets). This is how I picture she spends most of her days when we're not home (if we leave her out). Sometimes she refuses to snuggle and will lay on the opposite side of the couch from you. Apparently sometimes she needs her space!

 Essentials: new tissues, pile of used tissue and TV remotes. Priorities really get skewed when you're sick!

 I'm asleep, stop looking at me!
I'm keeping my eye open until you stop looking at me. Seriously, I'm sleepy, stop looking at me so I can go back to sleep!

 As you can tell a lot of my day when I'm home sick involves Zoe. I think she almost prefers being home alone with the amount of pestering I put her through. But what's the point of being home and feeling miserable if you can't snuggle and cuddle and mess around with your dog!?!

Another cute photo, just to round it all out.  The even cuter part, she was totally snuggling (of her own free will) with me. The lump she's leaning on (and just out of the picture): that's me! See sometimes, when you're sick to bother trying to force her, she snuggles all on her own. And then she'll glue herself to you and snuggle in for the long haul. Oh how I love this dog!