Friday, April 26, 2013

high five for friday

I'd say this week definitely deserves a high five! Well my actual week wasn't fabulous but this past week is the first week that my big news has been out in the open. It is so nice for everyone in my life to know what's happening and about to happen. I'm officially down to three weeks and a few days until d-day of when the move begins.

I'm incredibly overwhelmed with the amount of stuff to be done before I leave. Hubby is an amazing packer and mover and I'll certainly be needing his help. But I can't have him pack up our entire house in a day when he flies up. So while I've been panicking and freaking out about what I have to do I in fact have not actually packed anything. 

Anyway, TGIF people! 
source: via Pinterest via wherethesidewalkbegins

Source: pinterest

Source: pinterest via come wag along

linking up to Lauren/frommygreydeskblog's High Five For Friday

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Ta da!

It's time, I can reveal my news, my big big news, and make a big announcement! Duh dun na na! (That's my attempt at "trumpets" haha) 

Source: google images via blogger idol

Hubby got a job, basically a dream job, at an Architecture firm in Miami! He got his degrees in Architecture but hadn't been able to work in his field since graduating two years ago. Well he got hand picked for this job, one he didn't even apply to or know about until it was offered to him. A family friend of mine is a principal at this firm and apparently friendly conversations over the holidays with Hubby over the years left an impression. 

Source: google images via Darcy Knoblich

Family friend/boss man called Hubby on a Sunday, that Monday Hubby put in for Friday off work, then Friday Hubby went down to Miami and met with the three principals of the firm and was formally offered and accepted the position. Two weeks later he moved to Miami and started his career! I've been alone up here, 500 miles away from him, ever since! (That's a MONTH people! Including over my birthday!) 

See I had things in the works at my office that prevented me from moving right away with Hubby. So originally I wouldn't be able to move until July, over 3 months living separate from the love of my life. Then last week everything changed. The plans as we'd set them were shot to hell, flipped upside down, and my very first thought was "well there's no reason to stay now, how soon can I move?" The next day I gave notice at my office, sometimes you've just got to go with your gut. By Memorial Day I'll be a resident of Miami Dade county once more.  

Like I said, it's HUGE news. But I couldn't say anything, and it was killing me. But since the cat's out of the bag I can finally share all this with you guys! 

Oh and I forgot to mention that I was born and raised in Miami, my parents still live there. (I haven't lived there in a decade. I most assuredly went from a big city girl to an almost southern gal. I guess I've got to try to revert back)

Until we can get settled and figure out what our new life will be like living in Miami we'll be living with my parents. Because the most affordable housing is the free kind! Yeah, I'm going from a self sufficient full time social worker and wife and moving back into my childhood room in my parent's house, with my husband. Clearly life will be an adventure. 

I hope to be able to share what life becomes when I move from the deep south and (back) into big time big city Miami. And of course for a short time (or not so short?) doing that and living with my parents. 

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

it's my birthday

It's a bit odd this year, because of the thing I can't talk about. But to not let it totally ruin my birthday I took the day off of work and I scheduled myself a massage. I don't have any other plans besides the massage, but I'm going to try hard to make myself have a nice day.

Shout out to other (famous) April 16th babies:

Martin Lawrence
John Cryer
Pope Benedict (the only Pope in modern history to resign...)
Charlie Chaplin
Wilbur Wright

Monday, April 8, 2013

seriously, I'm not dead

There's nothing worse (there totally is, but you know what I mean) then when you find this great blog and then all of a sudden it stops. This awesome blog that you really enjoyed and then there's no new posts, no explanation  just ... the end. I highly doubt anyone feels that way about this but all the same I'm not dead and this isn't the end of what's a star. 

There's something huge going on for me personally. It's really great and while no I'm not pregnant it's about as huge of a life changing thing as that. The issue is I can't share it. It's a big part of my life and my days right now. But because of it I'm not craft, not shopping, not really trying new recipes and not doing anything else fun or interesting to share (that I can share). So I've been unable to come up with "good" posts (forget H54F posts) without being able to share such huge parts of me and my life. 

The good news is that there is an end to this. In a few weeks the truth can be revealed. But for now I've got to keep it a secret. So I'm not sure if I'll post much until the "veil is lifted". That said, once I (am able to) post regularly semi-regularly in my regular fashion there will be huge changes. Huge amazing crazy things to share and explore and it may just take this little blog in a whole new direction. 

So like I said I'm seriously not dead and I probably won't be posting for a while. But when I can, I plan on it, and hopefully someone will be around to stop by then and enjoy my musings!