Funny story, sort of. Last year I married my best friend, other half, soul mate, roommate, drive me nuts sometimes, makes me laugh all the time, love of my life. We really are very different people and then at the same time we can be very similar. There are moments that we are both thinking the exact same thing, unplanned, and totally honest. It's lame and adorable all at the same time. Those moments reinforce that my husband and I are really meant to be together. This story is not about one of those moments. We also fight (disagree, not real fighting) and don't see eye to eye on many things.
happy moment, via Taken Photography |
One night my husband and I were watching tv and he asked me "well what's a star?" I'm pretty sure we were watching something on the Science channel or something equally as nerdy and geeky, probably about stars and suns or space. I happen to have taken an astronomy course in college so I thought 'oh that's something I'll know more about then he does'. Except that knowledge I gained from that college class was rather rusty since it was from my very first semester 8 years ago! So I had recollections of knowing the answers but couldn't really remember the exact answers themselves. Anyway, I tried explaining that suns are stars but not all stars as suns. Then he asked "well what's a star?" I was stumped and frustrated. How am I supposed to know the make up of a star, it's density, mass, all that jazz and why does he care!? So I tried to get around it and that just egged him on some more. It became this great and heated discussion!
A great cartoon explaining just what a star is! |
After everything was said and done and we rehashed it all while lying in bed trying to go to sleep later that night he explained that he really only meant that if suns are stars but not all starts are suns what's a star. Still not an easy answer but his stupid question finally made sense! So now we'll jokingly yell at each other out of the blue "what's a star!?" and we'll both crack up laughing!
I've been reading different types of blogs for a while know. Well technically for decades if we'll be honest since when the internet was in it's infancy (at least for me) that's mostly all there were, blogs. Well they weren't called that. But back in 1997 you better believe I was all over the interwebs looking at Savage Garden blogs! {I melt into a puddle of embarrassment for letting that detail out into the world.} Anyway, since it seems like everyone now has a blog I thought I'd try my hand at it. But for months I was stumped at a few things: what would my blog be about anyway? and what would it'd name be? Because all good blogs have great ant witty/catchy names! Finally I decided it may as well be something random since I don't think I'd ever come up with something genius like I'd wanted. And so "what's a star" was born! I think this will be a place for random musing that are hopefully funny, my crafting attempts (and probably failures at said attempts), my baking and cooking attempts (those should be successful!), and anything else that makes sense to belong to my little slice of the interwebs here.